Click now to listen to a Free Audio Sample of Kim’s Multi-Award-Winning Book! “Kim’s voice is a healing medicine.” "Echoes of Maya Angelou."
Two Versions to Choose From!
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Softcover - Includes a CD with 16 Audio Tracks performed by the author 5.5 x 8.5 - 120 pages + CD $19.95
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eBook - Includes 16 Audio Tracks To purchase click on your eBook provider below $9.95

'Go Beyond' with Kim You know you are meant for more...
Kim is a visionary and New Reality Practitioner, experienced at achieving results in personal transformation, life and business for more than 20 years. Having rebuilt her body and her life three times, she has learned to leverage her gifts as an exceptional intuitive, wordsmith and energy realignment specialist. She skillfully blends these with her masters in Psychology and theatrical background to inspire her clients to come out better than they’ve ever been with some laughs along the way.
If you are experiencing any of the following, let's chat
* Do you desire more confidence and fulfillment in your life, career or relationships?
* Are you sensitive, very intuitive or had a head injury and want someone who understands to show you how to move forward?
* Do you desire a greater knowing how to express your voice, and be heard as a speaker and in your life?
* Are you ready to be seen and serve the world to make a greater impact because you sense "It's Time"?
Through my intuitive practices that blend science, language, business, and conscious integration systems - together we can uncover and optimize your newest level of results if you are ready to receive them.
Why wait? Take action. Schedule a complimentary 20 minute discovery session to find out how we can evolve together. Email me - I look forward to hearing from you!
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“Kim’s words and voice are healing medicine.” Mentor – Author – Facilitator – Presenter
As Mentor & Coach… Kim works with individuals and groups to experience optimizing life's challenges into remarkable opportunities.
“You’re fast becoming one of my favorite people on planet Earth! To hear Kim’s voice is to change my brain waves. Her voice is a healing medicine.” – Susan Bowling, LPT (Licensed Physical Therapist), GCFT (Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner)
"You have given me (and keep giving me) the keys to myself so I am now free to live my own life, my own destiny more filled with joy, well-being, abundance and grace. I feel like I'm finally coming home more easily and quickly than I ever thought possible. I have fun being more playful and enjoy life So Much More!" – Christine Bertram, Nurse
“I cannot tell you how thankful I am for you. I was on such a high all day yesterday! Business seemed differently approachable and my attitude had changed. I’ll be calling you!“ – Kathy Gillett, former NAWBO president, Denver Chapter
"You are exceptional intuitive healer..." – Liz Clark, Financial coach
"Kim offered me an extraordinary global holding field that allowed heartfelt resolutions to arise for me. There is a difference between just being 'held' and 'being met'. Kim defies most definitions; this is one of her greatest gifts." – Sara Devoy, Cranial Sacral Therapist
As Author… Kim's voice and words in her newest book Vice Versa Verse have been called "echoes of Maya Angelou."
“Kim’s writing is like Rumi, only roomier!” – Swami Beyondananda
"This is an exquisite book! Kim is a master with words. Vice Versa Verse is an experience in awakening...a wonderful way to gain insight through the dance with words." – MJ Pangman author of "Dancing with Water: The New Science of Water"
“Kim Conrad's presentation at the ISSSEEM Conference led us to dive into her book, Vice Versa Verse, which is a must read and truly a work of soulful artistic energy.” – Debra & Master Chunyi Lin – founder, Spring Forest Qigong
“Kim uses her alchemic gift with words to delight, intrigue, and challenge the soul to grow, expand, and evolve. Her resonant, transformational voice and message leap off the page and alight on the ears, flowing straight into your heart.” – Dr. H. Ronald Hulnick, President, University of Santa Monica
“Kim’s masterful artistry with words reminds me of the art of M. C. Escher. Her playfulness invites us to look through the other end of the telescope, to stand on our heads to examine things, to ‘think outside of the box." – Elaine Oxenbury, Co-Founder, Mary’s Hope Workshops
“Thank you so much for the gift of your poem ‘Unintended Heroes’. I appreciate hearing from you and your dedication to spreading the teachings of self-love.” – Louise Hay, Founder, Hay House Publishing
"Divine!! Beyond duality...your words dance us into wisdom." – Pamela Jane Gerrand, Award Winning Singer/Composer
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As Facilitator… Through the gifts of the challenges in her life, Kim has tapped into strength and power that is much larger than her human form. She shares powerful, life-enhancing tools for you to create your best life yet through her revolutionary, leading edge programs here and at www.SacredLifeLiving.com
"Kim Conrad is a gift! Her work with many of the teens we have the privilege to work with has been nothing but outstanding! Her ability to say what needs to be said is extraordinary. She brings a commitment to her work that allows for results that leave the participant satisfied and the observer amazed." – Michael Donahue – Co-Founder, Bold Leaders.org
“Super Powerful! The ripple effect has influenced my relationships, my business and my purpose!” – Genevieve Boast, International Speaker and Coach
“Enormous results...It changed my life. I am more assertive, less shy, more happy and less afraid...I can now speak in public...Please continue your fabulous work!” – Renee Ramirez & Son, Business Owners
As Presenter… Kim provides a sensory experience and is a catalyst for change. She opens minds, warms hearts and fills souls.
“You are a beautiful woman who had many brilliant things to say.” – Barbara Marx Hubbard, Co-Creator’s Convergence, Sunrise Ranch, Loveland, Colorado
“I saw a great being in you, who could add some soul medicine to the Institute of Noetic Science’s Global Healing conference closing ceremonies.” – Gary Malkin, President, Wisdom of the World and Emmy award winning composer
“Kim led the most inspirational and awe inspiring conversation I have ever heard.”. – Fran Rew, Founder of Topic Talk Walks
“I just want to acknowledge our MC Kim Conrad who did an amazing job bringing our opening ceremonies together. Thank you so much!” – Panache Desai, Keynote & Presenter, Festival of Enlightenment, Estes Park, CO
"Being brave enough to be ourselves, we become someone else's unintended hero. And, in so doing, we become our own." - Kim Conrad
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